The 5 Biggest Tesla Robot Blunders

In our age of technological advancement, we face new problems every day. It can be in any field but in this blog post, we will discuss The 5 Biggest Tesla Robot Blunders. Where everyone was waiting with excitement for Tesla, under the enigmatic Elon Musk, to reveal its grand move into robotics. In the past few months, we saw many blunders made by Tesla robotics. With this blog post, we will take a closer look at top 5 Tesla robot blunders.

The 5 Biggest Tesla Robot Blunders

Tesla Autopilot System Failures:

  • Two people lost their lives when a Tesla Model S crashed in Texas in April of 2021. The automobile struck a tree after missing a turn. Since no one was in the driver’s seat at the time of the collision, investigators have concluded that Tesla’s Full Self Driving (FSD) or Autopilot technology was in use. Tesla’s AI-based Autopilot system controls the car’s steering, braking, and acceleration, but it has come under controversy after many accidents involving the model.
  • After a Tesla Model Y on Autopilot collided with a police car in Michigan, US safety authorities launched an investigation into 30 Tesla accidents since 2016 that may have involved the usage of advanced driver assistance systems.

Amazon's Inaccurate AI Hiring Instrument:

  • Amazon created a recruiting tool that analyzes resumes using artificial intelligence. Unfortunately, there was discrimination based on gender throughout the system. It was trained on resumes submitted over a ten-year period, favoring male candidates and lowering applications with words like “women’s.” Because of this incidence, it’s critical to address biases in AI systems.

Engineer Attacked by Robot at Tesla Factory:

Robot attack man
  • In 2021, an engineer was allegedly attacked by a malfunctioning KUKA robot arm at Tesla’s Texas factory. The engineer was injured and blood was drawn by the strong robot as it trapped him against the wall. When safety issues surfaced, it became clear that robotic settings needed a lot of testing and safety procedures.

Tesla's Excessive Concept of Automation:

  • Elon Musk’s vision has allowed Tesla’s Silicon Valley manufacturing to become highly automated. However, the business had trouble seamlessly using robots. Because of his faith in automation, Musk overestimated its potential and underestimated the need for human intervention.

The Weird Tesla Bot:

  • The “Tesla Bot,” a sleek, 125-pound humanoid robot, was created and presented by Elon Musk. It would use autopilot and automotive artificial intelligence from Tesla to navigate routes, traffic, and obstructions. The Tesla Bot is an innovative concept that raises both questions and concerns.
Tesla Bot


In conclusion, even if Tesla made several significant mistakes along the way to automated manufacturing, these obstacles are important lessons learned for future technical endeavors. Though Elon Musk’s vision of a fully automated future is still constant, the difficulties in bringing robotics into manufacturing processes have brought attention to how important human interaction is. Learning from the past and utilizing the advantages of both humans and robots will be essential for Tesla to maintain its leadership position in the automotive sector and make sustained development as it continues to hone its strategy. These are the 5 biggest Tesla robot blunders, remember that even the most advanced technology makes mistakes sometimes. The path taken by Tesla is still an amazing blend of creativity, difficulties, and educational opportunities.  Read our post Top 10 Technologies That Could Change The Future

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